Why is mindfulness important?
Excessive sitting, even in meditation can have a negative impact on your health. On the other hand, it is believed that two main types of injury are caused by over-practicing yoga – muscle spasms and breathing problems. These are usually aggravated by other medical conditions such as asthma, bronchitis, emphysema or other respiratory diseases. By being mindful with your body, and especially during your yoga practice, you avoid those injuries. Furthermore, research shows that practicing yoga at a later stage in life has a positive impact on the brain function, compared to people who start young. As we get older our brain regions responsible for memory and attention reduce in capacity. Mindfulness during our yoga practice can help to stimulate the brain and mind. For example, staying active after a brain injury or a strokehelps the brain to function normally again. Mindfulness also seems to help in preventing mood disorders like depression and anxiety. As you can see, mindfulness goes hand in hand with being active with our bodies.