Most common questions of Yoga and Yoga Teacher Training
1. Why is yoga a carrier ?
2. How many months does it take to learn yoga?
3. Who is a yoga trainer?
4. Is teaching yoga easy?
5. Why do a yoga teacher train??
6. Which course is best for Yoga Teachers?
7. Is yoga teacher training difficult
8. Is yoga teacher training worth the money?
9. Which state in India is best for yoga?
10. How many hours do you need to Teach yoga?

1. Why is yoga a carrier?
Yoga derives from ancient knowledge that has been passed on and practiced by people for centuries. The purpose of Yogaas we know it, which has first been defined and written down by Patanjali, is to train the body to be straight and comfortable when sitting in meditation. In the last century and today Yoga is popular all over the world and is practiced in many styles and ways. As the interest in yoga is growing more and more, yoga teachers and people who study the wisdom in depth are in high demand. By making a living out of teaching yoga, yoga became a career for many people in India and around the world.
2. How many months does it take to learn yoga?
As with any other physical activity, yoga requires discipline and perseverance to see improvements and progress in the postures. Yoga will not only improve your flexibility, strength and balance, but it will also support your mental and emotional well-being. Learning yoga is an individual process and has no end to it.Depending on your body and your physical activities in the past, learning the basics of yoga can be easy or hard in the first few months of your practice. You can study the foundations of yoga within a 28 days yoga teacher training course that will provide you the right environment to learn a lot in a short period of time.
3. Who is a yoga trainer?
A yoga trainer is somebody who has studied yoga in depth and its related philosophies, history and practices. Anybody can teach yoga, but it requires experience and knowledge to guide people on their path of yoga. Often those teachers learned their knowledge in yoga teacher training programs in India and all around the world. The Yoga Alliance® is an association that certifies yoga teachers with an international recognized diploma. If you want to know a teacher’s level of yoga, it can be useful to check his certificates.
4. Is teaching yoga easy?
What does teaching yoga actually means? Teaching yoga means you have to know how to guide people into body postures. Therefore, you also have to know how the right alignments look like and how to correct them. That requires not only a practice on your own, but also experience and expertise. Since every student has a different body with other strengths and weaknesses, it takes time to learn how to teach and correct individually. That’s why teaching yoga is not easy and requires self-confidence and knowledge.
5. Why do a yoga teacher training?
Yoga teacher trainings can not only help you to become an experienced and confident teacher, but arealso a good environment to deepen your yoga practice and knowledge. Some people do a yoga teacher training course only for themselves, to learn more and increase their practice. Others do a teacher training program to become a good teacher. There are 200hr and 300hr yoga teacher training program with different focuses and yoga styles. Read about the five most important reasons why you should pursue a TTC in this blog post.
6. Which course is best for Yoga Teacher?
Finding a suitable yoga teacher training course can take time. Therefore, it is important for you to know, what you are looking for. As a first teacher training course, you want to look for a 200hr teacher training program. This will give you all the foundations you need to teach yoga to others. Yoga teacher training programs variate between different yoga styles, class sizes and the duration of the program. The best course will depend on your own preferences. Check out this blog post to read what to look out for when searching for a yoga teacher training program blog post.
7. Is yoga teacher training difficult?
A yoga teacher training course can be challenging and difficult. But it depends on your mindset and attitude when you enroll in the course. If you’re looking for a challenge and you want to improve your practice, a teacher training can be the right thing for you. You want to look for a teacher who takes the individual journey of a student into account. Also keep in mind that some prior experience in yoga can help you as a beginner in a teacher training course. In the end, you decide how much effort and energy you put into your learnings.
8. Is yoga teacher training worth the money?
A yoga teacher training course can create the right environment for you to deepen your knowledge about yoga and improve your practice tremendously. Since you will learn a lot of knowledge in a short period of time, you will always have some benefits from a teacher training retreat. You will not only learn about asanas, but also about yoga history, philosophies, mantra singing, Ayurveda, anatomy and much more. This process will also help you personally to gain better mental health and learn about your body and mind.
9. How many hours do you need to Teach yoga?
You must complete your 200-hour teacher training with a certified yoga school if you want to be a licenced yoga instructor with the Yoga Alliance®.Please be aware that it is not legally required for teaching yoga to have a 200-hour RYT certification. You can at any point start teaching yoga. Nevertheless, yoga studios or gyms often require a certificate.
10. Which state in India is best for yoga?
India is the origin of yoga. There are many great yoga hubs to practice and learn yoga. Rishikesh for example is famous for its many teachers and schools. But depending on the season it can be really cold there. The best place to practice yoga all year long, you find in the south of India. A small lovely beach town called Varkala has more than 40 yoga schools to offer where you will find the best teacher for your needs.